The Art of the Long View Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World 洋書 アマゾン販売価格(参考) ペーパーバック2,828円、ハードカバー24,920円 Peter Scuwartz PRESIDENT,GLOBAL BUSINESS NETWORK In The Art of the Long View, now with the addition of an all-new Users Guide, Peter Schwartz outlines the "scenaric" approach, giving you the tools for developing a strategic vision within your business. Schwartz describes the new techniques, originally developed within Royal/Dutch Shell, based on many of his firsthand scenario exercises with the worlds leading institutions and companies, including the White House, EPA, BellSouth, PG&E, and the International Stock Exchange. ラインの書き込みがあります。 経年による変色あります。 状態は画像をご確認ください。